We’re hearing lots of worries about not being able to find Tylenol/ibuprofen. Don’t panic though, not all fevers require fever reducers!
Not all fevers need to be treated with medicine.
There is no magic number to decide when to treat, so we recommend treating the child & not the number. If he/she seems comfortable & not too cranky, simply dressing in light/loose clothing & being sure they are well hydrated might be enough for now.
Try alternatives to keep your child comfortable.
Fever can increase fluid demands, so hydration is key – push those fluids! Popsicles can help keep them hydrated (and happy!). Use nasal saline drops for those congested noses. A humidifier can help loosen secretions too. A teaspoon or two of honey (only in children over 1 year) can help lessen coughing. Salt water gargles can help ease sore throats. Extra snuggles always help too!
Look elsewhere for what you need or try a different formulation.
Try less popular places like convenience stores or non-chain pharmacies or ask a friend if they have any to spare. Look for store brand/generic versions of acetaminophen/ibuprofen. Look for different formulations like acetaminophen suppositories or chewables (check concentration and use as directed). Fun fact: Infant & Children’s Tylenol are the SAME concentration!
Acetaminophen dosing: https://tinyurl.com/497yay9p
Ibuprofen dosing: https://tinyurl.com/5yz2v68v
Never substitute children’s fever reducers like Tylenol/ibuprofen with aspirin.