February Schedule Now Available 11/1/2021
The schedule for February is now available. Please call either office to schedule your child’s physical exam as soon as possible. During the Summer of 2021, we… February Schedule Now Available 11/1/2021
The schedule for February is now available. Please call either office to schedule your child’s physical exam as soon as possible. During the Summer of 2021, we… February Schedule Now Available 11/1/2021
We’ve always been big supporters of flu vaccine & with the return to in person learning and COVID-19 having so many similar symptoms as seasonal… Flu Vaccine Available 10/6/21
Our office has been notified by the manufacturer of our lead screening test that a component of the test has been recalled. The manufacturer’s concern… Lead Test Recall 9/8/21
We wanted to take a moment to inform you that as of January 1, 2021, some changes have been made to the national guidelines for… Billing Update 6/23/2021
MyChart experienced a few updates in November 2020, and though the look is a bit different, functionality is the same. With the update, you’ll be able… MyChart Updates 6/22/2021
We are proud to announce the launch of our new website!